
The Dancer Pale Ale w/ Burnley Brewing

Presenting the Charlie Ryan x Burnley Brewing collaborative beer, The Dancer — a limited batch new world pale ale, with zesty hops and a refreshing dry finish.
The beer name and label design draws back to Charlie Ryan’s community mural painted recently on the facade of Cellar & Pantry in Red Hill, and his wider series of Dance works — representing a celebration of life as a dance.
The beer will be official unveiled at my upcoming solo exhibition, Charlie Ryan: Collections (2015-23) at Burnley Brewing on Thursday, 30 November, 2023. 

The Dance Mural at Cellar & Pantry

“Mural and Conversations”

I am also pleased to announce that I completed a 20m mural on the front facade of Cellar & Pantry in Red Hill.

Commissioned by owners, Joe and Dee Caligiuri, the piece is based on my ‘Dance’ series of works representing a celebration of life as a dance. A harvest of the seasons in life. With the colours inspired by the unique landscape of the Mornington Peninsula.  

A giant “paint-by-numbers” public art piece, the work was created with the help from my kids; Isabella (aged 9) and Christopher (aged 8).

A big shout-out of thanks to everyone that has dropped by for a look and a conversation over the past couple weeks of painting.

You can watch a “snippet” of my creating the mural at this Instagram Video link here.

The Friendship Flag

A new Australian Flag.

Representing our Environment and our People

Based on the original ideology behind the seven-pointed Federation Star, which is part of the current Australian Flag (representing the first 6 States of the federation and 1 point for all Territories and future states and territories), the proposed design incorporates the traditional Australian Indigenous symbol for a star, presented as an equal eight-pointed design — with the inclusion of the eighth point representing Australia’s First Peoples. And the inner circle representing all people coming together as equals and as one unified country.

The colours and shapes representing our unique and vast environment that we share and protect:

Wattle Gold: Life

Eucalyptus Green: The Land

True Blue: Our Waterways and Oceans

Federation Blue: The Air and Night sky above us

Archibald Prize: 2023 Submission

In 2022, I delivered my first submission for the Archibald Prize — a portrait of my own father and fellow artist, Gee (Gerald) Ryan. My long-time ‘best mate’, and my lifetime ‘life and art’ confidant and guide. And although the painting was not shortlisted for the competition, I loved every bit of creating and sharing the work and have since made it my intention to enter the competition each year.
And this Autumn I successfully submitted my second portrait for the Archibald.
A self-portrait depicting the period of anticipation on the birth of my first child and my own personal transition into fatherhood.
Painted in the moment, capturing that serene and unique chapter in time and in life. I wanted to distil the very feelings, the warmth, and the love I already held for my unborn daughter.
Captured in a familiar and everlasting look of reassurance, and with open hands, ready to hold, care, nurture and guide my child.
A return to nature. And a reminder of where we come from. A celebration of this season and the seasons to come, shared together.
And whilst we cannot deny the universal and celebrated connection between mother and child, I wanted to portray the paternal strengths, energy, and aspirations that I, together with many men, bring to this sacred role.
And if anything else, a painting that announces to the world the birth of my child, from one very proud father.
On Sunday, 5th of March 2023, my wife Tash and I welcomed our first child together. A beautiful, healthy daughter named Rose.
Born with her mother’s olive skin, her father’s blue eyes and a head full of luscious locks. We have loved every second of holding the newest member of our family.
'Dad at 38 Weeks'
Synthetic Polymer Paints on Canvas
H 152 x W 102cm
31 March 2023

Archibald Prize: 2022 Submission

In 2022, I managed to tick two off my bucket list:
1. A portrait of my dad.
2. And my first entrance into the Archibald Prize.
Having been drawn to portraiture earlier in my education and career, I had also naturally been drawn to the Archibald’s — Australia’s most prominent art competition.
And although my current collections of painted works are more in line with abstract, they are generally influenced by stories of individual people or that of our universal connection between community, selfhood and nature. Or more simply put, an abstract approach to portraiture.
But over the past few years as I have been developing perhaps my own unique style of painting and storytelling, I had been interested in exploring ways to combine my “long grass” painting strokes into something a little more realistic.
And for my first subject I had no one else in mind but my fellow artist and father, Gee Ryan. My longtime ‘best mate’, and my lifetime life and art confidant and guide.
And after the experience of almost losing Dad to ill health in late 2020, something had started to niggle inside of me with the desire to create Dad’s portrait and in doing so, enter us both into the Archibald’s.
So in late 2021 I set about planning towards painting my first submission for the Archibald Prize, setting aside time and energy to make it happen. And in late March, with the deadline coming down to the wire, I managed to complete the artwork (varnished, signed and framed). I then proceeded to hire a van and drove Dad’s ‘large-ish’ portrait to Sydney, delivery the work in person at the Art Gallery of New South Wales.
Although the artwork was not shortlisted for the competition, I loved the journey, as much as the opportunity to share the artwork — and Dad’s own story.
I wish to congratulate this year’s winner, Blak Douglas for his portrait of fellow artist Karla Dickens titled ‘Moby Dickens’ (I love her work – you should check it out).
And thank you to everyone who supported me in helping make this happen. In particular to Tash, Bella and Christopher. And Dad. 
‘Gee (Gerald) Ryan, Not Ready Yet’ 
Synthetic Polymer Paints on Canvas
H 152 x W 122cm
Autumn 2022

V for Victori

V for Victori shares an ongoing positive message for heart, hope and solidarity towards our united Victory against the greater flow-on effects of COVID-19 across our greater community.
August 2020 – Current

Balloon Wall III

Location: Nordie Cafe, Red Hill, Mornington Peninsula (Bunurong Country) 
NYE 2022


Hopen for Business was a campaign to support local businesses across the Mornington Peninsula region of southern Victoria. 
The project provided a free and easy to navigate online directory for businesses and locals to check and see who was still open for business. And was supported by a print and digital campaign.
April – September 2020 
Collaboration with Five Creative


Red Hill Relief

Red Hill Relief was originally established to hold a one-off event on St Valentine’s Day 2020 that raised over $50K to support the Victorian communities and wildlife effected by the devastating 2019-20 summer bushfire crisis in Australia.
This included a commissioned work that Charlie Ryan donated towards the silent auction on the night for $750.
The associated group plans on holding an event annually to support different issues effecting the community.
January 2020 – Present
Collaboration with Renee Bowker, Fiona Robison, Jannicke Langseth and Shawne Rubinstein


Part of the ‘Autumnal’ Typeface Project.
May 2020 – Present


CR x Zetta Florence

Collaborating with Melbourne stationery institution Zetta Florence, Charlie Ryan produced two original limited edition prints to help raise money for the communities and wildlife recovering from 2019-20 summer bushfire crisis in Australia. 
Print 1: “The Year of Writing More Strongly Worded Letters” 2020, 29.7cm x 42cm, 100% Recycled Cotton Paper, Limited Edition of 50.  
Print 2: “The Year of Making More Meaningful Connections”, 2020, 29.7cm x 42cm 100% Recycled Cotton Paper, Limited Edition of 50.
January 2020 
Collaboration with Zetta Florence


Gnome Chess

Part of the pop-up at ‘The Art of Banksy’ exhibition.
Location: Federation Square, Melbourne
January 2017


Be Here Now II

Part of the pop-up at ‘The Art of Banksy’ exhibition.
Location: Federation Square, Melbourne
October 2016 

Balloon Wall II

Location: Lyon, France
September 2018

Balloon Wall I

Location: Chapel Street, Melbourne
November 2016


Be Here Now I

Location: Chapel Street, Melbourne

April 2016